23 Jun 2008

Birthday 2008

I've decided not to tell anyone about my birthday this year. I mean 41...not a magic number and I wasn't in any mood whatsoever. But the 22nd of June, Sunday was a sunny day. We kicked the day off with a Sunday Brunch with Justin and Jure my ex-co-teachers from ECC at the Wolfhound Pub. Then spent the afternoon hanging out with SeungWan and his rocker buddies. They played a gig at a small live music venue called the Skyhigh club in Hogdae. At around 9pm we and 14 or so long haired rockers shuffled onto a garden joint serving Soju (viscious white spirit) & Samgyopsal (that's fat bacon on grill) and got reasonably wasted. SeungWan conjured up a surprise cake with 'I Love You' candles. Bunch of Koreans rock musicians singing the 'Happy B'day' song made the evening rather surreal to say the least but great fun all the same. Yeah so I'm over 4 'o's and life isn't over yet. Not nearly.

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