29 Oct 2008

New Anti-Designer, Drug-antidote 'Phyllophite'

They call Crystal Meth. 'Philophone' in Korea. I assume it's the Latinized version of 'Pill of fun'? anyhow , nasty addictive crap that Chemistry students can easily make in their dingy basement rooms.(Gotta cut them a slack here, no good judging them too harshly, quickly. If only you knew the pressure some of them are under you'd be surprised they haven't cracked, only went on it.) Here it must be said that drug abuse is taken very seriously, therefore junkies don't take the piss here as much as elsewhere, where corruption lets them. Thus if you want to find one you must look in Hongdae after midnight when all the cops are cozily snuggling their feeble and meek wives on the nice warm ondol-mat somewhere in the suburbs. Spy the very skinny youth scurrying along the walls all by herself. Korean girls and boys almost never walk alone late at night, mainly due to parental curfew. Young people are treated as kids until they get married...even into their 30's! Where was I? Oh yeah, the viable healthy alternative to nasty chemical happiness; I've invented Phyllophite (that's Pillow Fight to the philistines.) Lovely rush of adrenalin that. :o)hihi. go clean, have fun and all that!
My rested brain has responded to some recent event that absolutely nothing to do with drugs but plenty with pillows and that I heard Koreans blaming the Japanese for bringing in the pill of fun...which reminds me. I'm going there tomorrow. My flight to Osaka leaves around 12pm it's now 12.30, time to pack. :o)

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