Christmas went down in a day. If it made the papers the headline would be something like " Korean Turkey Brutally Butchered By English Teacher" All the bad rep. we got here lately, this would be rather appropriate too. Now the government added Police Record Check to their required documents list. All because there was this Canadian dude who apparently molested the kids here during his year teaching them English. He got cought in Thailand but hasn't been convicted. Rest of the story is mystery as the Korean media only seem to care about headlines. The guy never had a criminal record...But hey, this is Korea, details are quiet unimportant.
The other seemingly unconsidered thing here is Forward Planning. Let's just fly by the seats of our pants and see how much the skid marks hurt. Yeeey! Ouch! The police checks take anywhere between 5 weeks to 6 month depending on the country. It can only be acuired in one's home country and even needs to be appostiled. Thus if you happen to be finishing your contract in Korea and haven't had enough of the kimchi, you are fucked! I my case I must wait 40 days for the document from the Metropolitan Police which will bring the date to March. This means employers won't have sufficient time to get the Visa processed in time for an April 1 start day. So schools if they haven't scrambled enough to get sufficient number of qualified people into Korea to teach, now will have headaches plenty.
I'm thus fucked too! I got this great job lined up teaching adults, all other paper work etc. are in good order but can't start work because some alleged child molestation issue that spooked the shit out of the Korean flock.
Me I'm potentially facing 3 month without an income 2 without pay and that's all due the Korean government's lack of careful consideration and forward planning. Cheers Guys! Just carry on punishing the qualified, experienced and law abiding teachers for and with your weak spine, short sightedness and inflexibility...see where it'll get ya!
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