20 Feb 2011

Message to Computer Virus Writers

Thank you! Thank you for infecting my PC with the Redirect virus that I can't remove even with reformatting my hard drive twice. Why do I thank you? You have brightened my dull days with hours and hours of educational entertainment. I have learnt more in the past two days than in the past two month. You have also made me correct my philosphy and reconsider my strong opinions on capital punishment and violence in general. I would like to meet you! I would like to grab your tiny little balls. Really hard. I would like squize them like the pimples they are until the puss flows down your thigh. You know, street thugs aren't such bad people , really, not next to you anyway. Think about it. Thiefs, robbers, rapist at least have the guts to do it in person. Unlike you spineless little shit, hiding behind your code name and ava-fucking-tar. Come on out and have the guts to stand up for what you do to thousands and millions of innocent people whom you never met, and need or want nothing from other that to hurt. You are a fucking SADIST. Even those who torture small animals for fun are more respectable than you are. hell, fucking Nacis were more respectable than you at least they did their evil stuff openly and with belief. What do You believe? Do you believe that I would beat the shit out of you if we met? Do you belive that I would not hesitate to render you incapable of having sex ever again? You may laugh at all this because I am girl and a pacifist and I have never ever hit anyone in anger and that I abhore violence in all form. But You made me reconsider all that. So Thank You! Because of you now I feel empowered, stronger and more pissed off than I have ever been in my whole life. So come on let's take it outside!

Ps:I found a beautifully simple fix: http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/solutions?qid=208280684 -

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