22 Jun 2012

Prometheus Review


Saw Prometheus and thought what a waste of an incredible visual feast. It was like sitting down to a Japanese dinner, say at Nobu, just to find that the sushi is made of resin. The single charismatic character, the revived 'Engineer' alien provided a bit of an appetizer but at the end I left the cinema feeling hungry and disappointed. As it was my birthday this just didn't do so I watched the first Alien flick for a late night snack then slept soundly, as all was at last right in this world. 
One thing still keeps nagging me; what did the humanoid android say to the alien engineer? 

1 - Hey sexy, 
your body is awesome! Which gym are you going to?

2 - I know this gay-friendly cinema in the village,  would you like to go 
to see Lawrence Of Arabia with me?

3 - Dude, your skin is lovely, like it's smooth and white like a tic tac
do you taste fresh and minty too?

feel free to add more :)

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